Settle'n Share

Apply to Settle'n Share, the fast growing and festive community built on the idea of sharing with your surroundings

Settle'n Share
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Settle’n Share

Settle’n Share is built on the ideas of community spirit where you treat your neighbours like friends and participate in creating the best possible festival experience within the Settle’n Share community for each other.

In Settle'n Share, all camps must share an open activity or event which relates to the theme of your camp and contributes to the community. It could be a party, a competition, or a talk. We adore original events, so be creative!

Secondly, we ask you to show care for the area in which you settle, for your surroundings and neighbours during your stay. So bring home your stuff when you leave, and sort your waste by using the appropriate garbage containers.

Settle'n Share

  • Location: East (see map
  • Nearest entrance: South
  • Deadline for applications: 1 April at 12:00
  • Expected response: No later than 1 May
  • Opening date: 29 June 16:00
  • For questions or more info, contact our Facebook page

How to apply

The application proces is based on dialogue, not competition – we therefore don’t work by the principal of “first come, first served”. Instead, you will be in close contact with an organizer from the Settle’n Share team after having successfully applied and throughout the application period.

The dialogue is based on your personal application and is the foundation on which you are hopefully granted a spot in Settle’n Share. The most important thing is that you are motivated toward the values of Settle’n Share – we, the Settle’n Share team, would very much love for you and your camp to be a part of this year's Settle’n Share experience on Roskilde Festival 2024!

Let’s make Roskilde greener

When we’re living together at Roskilde Festival, we need to keep our community fantastic. This also means that we need to take care of our beautiful festival grounds. We want to break with the throw-away culture. The green future of the planet is our joint responsibility. 

When you actively reduce, sort and recycle before, during and after Roskilde Festival, you’re making a huge difference. 

  • Reduce means to bring as little as possible from home. 
  • Sort means that you help keep the festival clean by sorting your waste. 
  • Recycle means that you take your stuff home and use it again.