Backstage Village

Invite your colleagues, clients, or business partners behind the scenes for an unforgettable and unique festival experience at Northern Europe's largest festival.


Backstage Village is Roskilde Festival's professional workspace and networking area - a space for partners, professionals, and media. Backstage Village serves as a hub for guided tours, facilitated workshops, lectures, debates, and other activities reflecting the festival's profile. It provides a concentrated working environment for media professionals, facilitates partner workshops, lectures, guided tours, and more, and serves as a space where industry players can enjoy the music, the festival community, and informal networking in a relaxed atmosphere.

Roskilde Festival is a non-profit organization that donates its entire surplus to charitable causes each year. By purchasing a ticket to Roskilde Festival, you support humanitarian and social organizations and initiatives worldwide.

We offer two different B2B packages for Roskilde Festival 2024:

  • B2B Tickets
  • B2B Events

If you are interested in purchasing tickets for Roskilde Festival 2024, please contact us at

B2B tickets

These tickets provide access to Roskilde Festival and Backstage Village.


  • Single-day tickets: 3200 DKK
  • Full festival tickets: 5500 DKK

B2B events

These tickets are for organizations that want to experience Roskilde Festival from within.

Each ticket includes:

  • Access to Roskilde Festival and Backstage Village
  • Access to the Backstage Lounge in Backstage Village, offering free beverages and snacks
  • Your own guide to help plan your visit and available on the day
  • Opportunity to book a table at Backstage Dining before bookings open for other guests
  • Presentations from key figures within Roskilde Festival management
  • Space in our hospitality areas for professional presentations
  • Thematic tours of Roskilde Festival with Roskilde Tours


  • Single-day tickets: 3950 DKK
  • Full festival tickets: 6800 DKK

Other options


In Sleep City at Målfeltet behind the Arena, most of our partners, employees, and many of our volunteers stay. There are excellent bathing and toilet facilities, a staffed reception, and no noise.

Here, you can rent a glamping tipi for your festival stay. Each tipi is equipped with everything you need, including comfortable beds, bedding, electricity, tables, chairs, and a lantern.

Rent a glamping tipi with four beds on the festival site for 7300 DKK (excl. VAT) for the entire festival period.

Rent a glamping tipi with two beds on the festival site for 5800 DKK (excl. VAT) for the entire festival period.

Food and drink vouchers

We offer the option to purchase food and drink vouchers, which can be added directly to the chip in the festival wristband. This allows your guests to access food and drinks without having to order each time they want something. Food vouchers are valid for at least one meal at all festival food stalls, and drink vouchers are valid at all Roskilde Festival Tuborg Beer Sales.

  • Food voucher: 110 DKK
  • Drink voucher: 65 DKK

Food and drink vouchers are non-refundable.

If you are interested in purchasing tickets for Roskilde Festival 2024, please contact us at

Rasmus Kongsgaard

B2B hub at Herslev Bryghus

In 2024, Roskilde Festival is constructing a tipi village for our professional network at Herslev Bryghus, located 15 kilometers from the festival. Here, you can wake up in peaceful surroundings, work throughout the morning in proper facilities, before returning to the festival grounds in the afternoon.

Inspiration til tematikker

Miljømæssig bæredygtighed

Roskilde Festival samler hvert år over 130.000 mennesker, som alle forbruger og påvirker miljøet – ligesom vi selv gør det i opbygningen af festivalen. Og vi har alle et fælles ansvar for at passe på klimaet, skåne naturen og beskytte biodiversiteten lokalt og globalt. Det gør vi især ved at sænke vores ressourceforbrug og fokusere på ansvarlige indkøb. Vi anvender cirkulære principper for at undgå ressourcespild ved at reducere affaldsmængder og sikre mere og bedre genanvendelse af affaldet. Hør vores bæredygtighedsteam fortælle hvad det betyder for Danmarks 4. største by og kom på tur rundt og se eksempler på pladsen

Social bæredygtighed

Roskilde Festival har et særligt ansvar for at styrke ungdomslivet og unges stemmer. Vi har en størrelse der forpligter og et potentiale til at skabe lydhørhed, stillingtagen og forandring, som skal bruges med ansvar. Vi både kan og vil præge holdninger blandt unge om samtidsaktuelle temaer som klima og seksualitet, og samtidig støtter vi året rundt unges initiativer gennem vores donationer. Hør vores sociale team fortælle om hvordan det påvirker vores aktiviteter og indretning af pladsen

Kunstnerisk bæredygtighed

Kunstnerisk bæredygtighed handler for os om at skabe forandring og udvikling i kulturlivet og samtidig skubbe på en mere ligeværdig adgang til både at fremføre og opleve kunsten.

Kunsten kan sætte perspektiv på det, vi ellers ikke se. Vi har en rolle i at styrke kunstens position i samfundet, og vi støtter aktivt de kunstneriske vækstlag og stiller festivalen til rådighed for nye kunstneriske møder, formater og eksperimenter. Mød vores kunst-team og hør dem fortælle om vores kunstneriske program og kom rundt på pladsen og oplev det på egen hånd.