Boss Ladies FGUDK


Join for a workshop on educational choices, doubts and the struggle for a more embracing study and work life

  • Tuesday 2 July
    11:00, Flokkr Container #2

The project Boss Ladies FGU works to break down gender stereotypes and create better conditions and more equal access to the education system for everyone regardless of background, life circumstances and gender. 

At the workshop, Boss Ladies FGU's volunteer team create a space where you can safely share both your dreams and doubts about the future. Together, we delve into the thoughts we each have about choosing education and employment, exploring opportunities, challenges, and hopes. Finally, we write down our stories and look at both the many differences and similarities in our narratives. 

Boss Ladies FGU is an initiative that provides support to young women and gender minorities attending the preparatory basic education FGU, to realize their dreams of education and jobs. Boss Ladies FGU is part of the association Divérs and supported by The A.P. Moller Support Foundation.