

Ditch stigma and shame in this event on sex positivity and sexual diversity 

  • Tuesday 2 July
    Workshop: SHAMELESS: How To Ditch Your Sexual Shame Through Creativity, 11:00, Flokkr Container #3

Join the activistic platform Sexualia when they highlight the ever-changing spectrum of sexuality and your individual power to view sexuality on your own terms, free from the limitations of categorization. 

At this year's festival, Sexualia presents their interactive installation, 'Sex Positive Confession Booth’, next to Flokkr. Here, you can anonymously write down your sexual fantasies, desires, pleasures, or anything else you want to share. The installation encourages you to let go of your inhibitions and confess your sexual secrets in a safe and transparent space. 

A short talk in English will accompany the installation, and after that, the creative workshop 'SHAMELESS: How To Ditch Your Sexual Shame Through Creativity' will take place. Here, you can interact with some of the written “confessions” and contribute through artistic expression to imagining a world free from sexual shame and stigma. 

Sexualia is a platform for inspiration, reflection, and imagination that seeks to start a movement on sexual diversity through art. The platform organizes events and exhibitions, creating space for debate, discussion, and inspiration in the vast world of sexuality.