Young, innovative dance theater explores what happens in the pursuit of utopia 

  • Tuesday 2 July
    16:00, Flokkr

Glitter running from the temples down the cheeks – is it sweat or are you crying? Bodies moving in grotesque ways – is it you or is the floor collapsing? Are you okay or are you having a seizure? Is what is happening meant to be, or is something going terribly wrong? 

SPRÆNG danseteater uses language, drama, music, and contemporary dance to express the experience of how chaotic it is to be human when our inner and outer energies do not harmonize. 

The dance theater's innovative performance has been created specifically for Roskilde Festival and will unfold at Flokkr into a party where small parts of the party's mechanics gradually break down. SPRÆNG danseteater surprises and challenges the familiar framework of performing arts. They want to get close to people, physically and by breaking through to their emotional life. 

Take part in a different party when SPRÆNG danseteater explores the border between party and performance, participant and observer, body and surrounding world. Perhaps you will experience and learn to accept that you do not always agree with your own and other people's ideals. 

SPRÆNG danseteater is an artist collective that works across artistic forms of expression and is based on an openness that entails unpredictability. In 2022, the dance theater won 'Oplevelsesprisen' for their self-created performance 'The Living Room', which premiered at Theater ZeBU during Vildskud Festival.