The New York rapper returns to Roskilde with quirky showmanship and new material

  • Saturday 6 July
    18:15, Arena

With his larger-than-life attitude, American Action Bronson is a man of many talents who can call himself chef, wrestler, and rapper, among several other things. 

He burst onto the rap scene with the mixtape with the tongue-in-cheek title Bon Appetit ..... Bitch!!!!! from 2011. He's truly a man with an appetite for entertaining, and luckily he's also a terrific storyteller and rapper, serving up his rambling lyrics in a well-seasoned mix of old school hip-hop, seedy sound collages and psychedelic vibes.

Musically, Action Bronson cites inspirations from hip-hop classics like Kool G Rap and Wu-Tang Clan, but the Albanian-born rapper has also cited classic Albanian wedding singers as sources of inspiration.

His musical acid trip of old school-vibes, obscure references and quirky narratives are taken to epic heights by a grandiose showman, who we last saw at Roskilde Festival in 2016. Since then, he has released several albums, including 2022’s Cocodrillo Turbo, which Pitchfork described as "a hallucinatory, fuzzed-out journey into the wilderness".  A new album is just around the corner, and the title Johan Sebastian Bachlava The Doctor proves that Action Bronson continues to keep the raving and humorous banner high when he returns to Roskilde Festival with his original universe.