

No-nonsense power violence from Copenhagen's extreme underground

  • Wednesday 3 July
    22:10, Avalon

Decorticate is a band that goes straight for the throat. The band, who titulate themselves Copenhagen's powerviolence mafia, are no fans of long talks and elaborations, but like to deliver ripping sonic blasts in an insane speed.

In an uncompromising and dirty mix of hardcore and grind, the band spits out songs that rarely last more than a minute, but often only half that, and you can tell that heroes like Napalm Death have not lived in vain.

Decorticate is on the roster of Copenhagen-based label Extremely Rotten Productions, which is currently setting a high standard for filthy extreme music in Denmark. With Decorticate's 13-minute debut album, Conditioned by Violence, they have hammered another rusty nail into Copenhagen's neat facade. The album has garnered praise both in Denmark and internationally for its sharp and chaotic, but at the same time genre-conscious expression, which has also taken the Danish hardcore scene by storm live.

Get ready for a unique and immersive concert experience at eye level. Taqbir will take over the floor itself for a very special floor show at Avalon, which is dedicated to extreme and punk music all Wednesday. Expect intense performances, stage changes at the speed of sound, and outstanding musicality that goes straight to the heart – and right in the face.