


The Danish talent returns to Roskilde with her well-crafted and vulnerable pop tunes

  • Friday 5 July
    14:00, Arena

In a young generation of Danish-language singers who embrace both the irresistible pop party and the vulnerable emotions, Pil is definitely one of the strongest voices.

Her ability to create thoughtful pop full of heart and emotions, where melancholy and musical playfulness go hand in hand, has been demonstrated on a series of stellar singles, collaborations with the likes of Andreas Odbjerg and Burhan G, and on the beautiful debut album Kom vi flyver, siger du (2022). And in 2023, she created a perfect pop party for a large audience during Roskilde Festival's First Days. A concert that cemented Pil as a terrific live act, which we can thankfully look forward to experiencing again in 2024.

There's no doubt that Pil is a talent in rapid development. Just listen to the new single "Andre Venner", which continues her exquisite blend of melancholic moods, vulnerability and sharply cut pop.

Pil's music can best be described as a good friend who listens patiently when life hurts, but is also happy to accompany you on the dance floor. Let yourself be gently embraced as she once again takes the stage at Roskilde with her catchy and thoughtful melodies.