Uplifting songs from queer collective with inspirations from 70s protest music

  • Sunday 30 June
    15:30, Gaia

In both sound and spirit, the six musicians in Sliteneliten draw clear threads back to the protest songs, folk music and progressive rock of the 70s. Here we find a belief that the community of music can make the world a slightly better place, and with collective power, Sliteneliten sing out their message in a way that makes it impossible not to get carried away.

With a strong Voss dialect, the songs articulate utopias of new queer communities while speaking out against capitalism's destructive practices and exploitation of nature. But even though Sliteneliten's music is rooted in protest and indignation, the songs primarily convey an infectious joy in their hopeful melodies, which in the spirit of folk rock are supported by violin, flute, and charming vocal harmonies.

Sliteneliten released their debut album in 2021, which quickly made them a phenomenon on the Norwegian underground scene. Since then, they've spread their message at numerous concerts, where their positive energy on stage has earned them a large following. They keep the flag flying high on their 2023 album Me kan'kje sei nei te da som e bedre, and this summer they can finally be experienced on Danish soil when they visit Roskilde Festival.