Conditions and criteria for business accreditation

Business accreditation

To gain access to Roskilde Festival including Backstage Village via a record label, a management or an agency, you need accreditation.

Accreditation is based on an application, which you need to make on behalf of your record label, management or agency

We recommend that you become acquainted with the terms and conditions for accreditation before you and your record label, management or agency apply. Please note only working personnel can be granted accreditation; not friends, family, guests, boy-/girlfriends etc.

Terms and conditions for accreditation

  • 1-2 artists represented at this year's Roskilde Festival allow a maximum of 2 accreditations (no fee) and the possibility of a limited number of exchanges with a fee (more info below).
  • 3 artists represented at this year's Roskilde Festival allow a maximum of 3 accreditations (no fee) and the possibility of a limited number of exchanges with a fee (more info below).
  • 4 or more artists represented at this year's Roskilde Festival allow a maximum of 4 accreditations (no fee) and the possibility of a limited number of exchanges with a fee (more info below).
  • No bands represented at this year's Roskilde Festival may allow a maximum of 1 accreditation with a fee and a possibility of 2 exchanges with a fee (more info below).

One band can be represented by only one record label, one music publisher, one management and/or one agency.

What does exchange mean?

After approval of a motivated application, the applicant buys a regular festival ticket, which is then exchanged into a wristband granting access to Backstage Village. The number of access passes that may be granted will be charged with a fee on top of the price of the regular festival ticket(s).

Commercial activities

It is not allowed, without preceding written approval by Roskilde Festival, to use Roskilde Festival’s name, trademarks, logos and designs in a commercial context. Nor is it allowed, without preceding written approval by Roskilde Festival, to do commercial activities, including sound and visual recordings in a commercial context, while being in Roskilde Festival’s areas.