Dream City

Is your camp ready to be part of a unique, creative, and vibrant community? Then Dream City is the place for you, where you can contribute with content throughout the waking hours of RF25.


Dream City is characterised by being highly user-driven, founded on values such as social sustainability, community, and innovation. Additionally, Dream City is the only place at the festival where festival-goers are allowed to start building their camp as early as mid-April. Before we leave the festival, we have a collective clean-up, which everyone must participate in.

Because the construction of Dream City camps starts so early, communities form that extend beyond the individual camps and continue throughout the year. Our Dreamers have, for example, collaboratively created a Go' stil code of conduct (see the Dream City intro guide for Roskilde Festival 2025 here), which sets guidelines for when to play loud music, how to take care of your own and others’ camps, and how to create a good community across Dream City.

Quick facts

  • Location: East (open the map)
  • Nearest entrance: Entrance East
  • Application deadline: 11 April at 12:00
  • Expected response: By 22 April
  • Opening date: 28 June at 16:00

Before applying

We recommend reading our intro guide and safety guide before applying – here you will find all the information about our guidelines and how to become part of Dream City.

We also recommend checking out our pages on Facebook and Instagram for updates on Dream City.

Find out how to apply at the bottom of this page.

Building Camps

The vast majority of our camps are building camps, constructing structures on weekends from 26 April to 22 June. These constructions are what make Dream City unique, and (almost) only your imagination sets the limits for how crazy, innovative, wild, or ambitious they can be.

In previous years, we’ve seen everything from art installations to pirate ships – we only ask that the constructions contribute to the festival-goers' experience and to the community in general. We also expect our camps to interact with other Dreamers, either through events or other initiatives that festival-goers can engage with.

Event Camps

The other type of camp in Dream City is the event camp, where the camp, like the building camps, must contribute to the area and the community. However, the requirements for innovation, sustainability, and community contribution are even higher for event camps. It is therefore also expected that the events a camp presents upon registration are ambitious, well-considered, and meaningful.

If you want to learn more about this year’s Dream City or meet other Dreamers before applying, you can attend our Dream City info day on 8 March. Find the event on our Facebook page.

How to apply

Register your camp by 11 April at 12:00

Each camp must be represented at at least one of the three workshops held on 25 March (Copenhagen), 2 April (Roskilde), and 10 April (Copenhagen). Workshop events will be shared in your confirmation email after completing step one. You can also find the events on our Facebook page, where you can find additional information.

The final part of your registration will take place in Roskilde at Dream City’s opening on 26 April. To confirm that you want to be part of Dream City, you must attend our official opening on 26 April, where you will also be assigned sleeping areas and building areas and meet your neighbours.

In the week leading up to the festival opening (23–28 June), there is no access to the festival grounds. Therefore, constructions must be completed by 22 June.

If you have any questions about Dream City, you can email dreamcity@roskilde-festival.dk.

Questions can also be directed to Dreamers in their Facebook group Dream City Dreamers.

Rent your camping gear

Skip the hassle of carrying gear to and from the festival. Instead, rent all your camping equipment directly through us.

You can rent tents, pavilions, air mattresses, and camping chairs – all high-quality and designed to benefit our shared festival grounds and resources.

A cleaner Roskilde

When we live together at Roskilde Festival, we must all help take care of our beautiful festival grounds.

This means leaving every area clean and free of the items you brought with you. It also means minimizing our impact on the planet, even while we’re enjoying the festival.

You make a huge difference when you reduce your consumption, sort your waste, and reuse as much as possible.  

  • Reduce means bringing as little as possible from home
  • Sort means helping to keep the festival clean by sorting your waste at our waste stations
  • Reuse means taking your belongings home and using them again