Handicamp offers a particularly welcoming space for diversity. This area is for anyone who faces physical or mental challenges, as well as for our friends, family, and helpers.
Handicamp is a camping area at Roskilde Festival, where we place special emphasis on accessibility. It’s a space where we also have room for those who find physical or mental tasks difficult.
You don’t need to provide long explanations – if you would like to stay in Handicamp, we will do our best to find a spot for you. You can stay here with some of your friends, family, and possibly helpers. There is no access control – all festival participants are free to visit.
Quick facts
- The area is located near Inner Square, between Entrance East and Arena (open the map)
- We can accommodate up to approximately 230 people
- Limited space for pavilions, etc. – you must follow the host’s instructions when setting up your camp
- You can drive into the area to unload your belongings, but your car must leave the area immediately afterwards.
- The ability to run power to your tent for charging equipment
- Toilets and showers with ramps and lifts
- Practical assistance for tasks like setting up your tent and handling waste
- A clean, safe, and reasonably quiet area, without loud music, especially at night
We have space for a limited number of campers – these spots are reserved for festival participants who cannot camp in a tent.
Skip the hassle of carrying gear to and from the festival. Instead, rent all your camping equipment directly through us.
You can rent tents, pavilions, air mattresses, and camping chairs – all high-quality and designed to benefit our shared festival grounds and resources.
When we live together at Roskilde Festival, we must all help take care of our beautiful festival grounds.
This means leaving every area clean and free of the items you brought with you. It also means minimizing our impact on the planet, even while we’re enjoying the festival.
You make a huge difference when you reduce your consumption, sort your waste, and reuse as much as possible.
- Reduce means bringing as little as possible from home
- Sort means helping to keep the festival clean by sorting your waste at our waste stations
- Reuse means taking your belongings home and using them again